eteeController SteamVR
The VIVE Cosmos has an inside-out tracking system and therefore is not compatible with SteamVR. However, the VIVE Cosmos 'Elite' version uses the St...
Tue, 28 Nov, 2023 at 4:57 PM
Currently we do not support Pico headsets such as the Pico4 as they use their own inside-out tracking system. We will be reviewing this however as they are ...
Tue, 28 Nov, 2023 at 5:00 PM
No, these are available via Valve. Although we are fully compatible with the SteamVR system we are not a reseller of the basestations or any SteamVR equipme...
Tue, 28 Nov, 2023 at 5:03 PM
We have tested and identified an issue related to Pitool and our Driver. We have a work around that will let eteeController SteamVR work with Pitool as fol...
Tue, 28 Nov, 2023 at 5:26 PM
eteeController has been designed with hygiene in mind they are wipeable, dust proof and the polymer contains soft grooves for grip. We are also supplying fr...
Tue, 28 Nov, 2023 at 5:30 PM
At launch we are aiming to have the following files available for mods by the community : Handle .STL files Mount for eteeTracker to be compatible with thi...
Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 at 4:10 PM
Any settings that can be tweaked can be found at the following location: <etee install folder>\resources\settings\default.vrsettings For exam...
Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 at 5:10 PM
Basic Troubleshooting: - Make sure the trackers have been connected with a solid “Click”. - Switch all 4 units on (trackers & controllers). - Make...
Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 at 5:45 PM
update to the latest version of eteeConnect and it will resolve this issue. eteeConnect エラー: Failed to execute script etee_connect_main ete...
Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 at 5:51 PM
We have received an overwhelming number of requests from creators and developers for review units. We are a small company that is running a limited number o...
Wed, 29 Nov, 2023 at 5:57 PM